Sweet Bouquet Bundle


Don’t you think the daisy’s beauty is in its simplicity?

The delicate floral bouquet in the 4″ x 6″ Sweet Bouquet Stamp Set includes two daisies and three groups of leaves drawn in a fun whimsical style! It also has three wonderful sentiments in a lovely vintage serif font, along with seven other versatile sentiments for everyday use.

Sentiments: This set includes ten awesome sentiments: hello friend ▪ you’re awesome ▪ happy birthday ▪ Thank You ▪ Thinking of You ▪ Enjoy Your Special Day ▪ It’s Your Day ▪ Just Wanted to Send You a Smile Today ▪ Celebrate ▪ Smile

The Sweet Bouquet Die Set coordinates with the Sweet Bouquet Stamp Set and includes 4 dies.

Die Dimensions: Flower Bouquet: 4.0″ x 4.7″ ▪ Hello Friend: 1.7″ x 0.9″ ▪ Happy Birthday: 2.0″ x 1.0″ ▪ You’re Awesome: 2.1″ x 0.9″

The Sweet Bouquet Simple Coloring & Layering Stencil includes 3 stencils that coordinate with Sweet Bouquet Stamp & Die Set, but its versatility doesn’t end there. It may also be used on its own to create layers of a gorgeous bouquet without the outlines. Also included is a fun “builder” layer on stencil 3 which will help you to easily create backgrounds for your projects.

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Sweet Bouquet Bundle

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